
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stuff to Remember from Related Leaders Session 2

Notes taken from this audio, given by Mark Driscoll at Riverside Community Church in Peoria, January 2008.

Cross-centered preaching and teaching
You haven't told people about Jesus until you get to his death, burial, and resurrection.

Back to the basics:
Jesus is our penal substitutionary atonement.
The most important thing that Paul passes on: Jesus died, for our sins, according to the Bible. (not church, programs, or anything else!) We don't need to vote on that! It is the gospel.
We are really sinful- the crucifixion was US murdering God.
Our goal is not to be innovative, it is to be faithful (which will be innovative because we look to be counter culture)

Christ is our victor!
MD: "I'm charismatic with seatbelt."
Complete victory was attained through his death.
If someone is hearing a 'voice' saying "You are this..." it is probably not their thought. Otherwise it would say " I am this..."
God: conviction - specific sin that you need to repent of and fix
Satan: condemnation - feel really bad even though you don't know what you've done

Jesus is our Redemption
Scripture picture: Israel redeemed from Egypt. (Nobody gets paid, Pharoah gets CRUSHED)

Jesus is our new covenant sacrifice
The Bible speaks of blood 450+ times (says one scholar)
The Bible connects blood to sin... we get sickened by blood, and that is how God responds to sin.
Crazy story about counseling situation (27:00) where the ATONEMENT is big.

Jesus is our justification
We can't lose this. Doctrine of the reformation.
Very few people are trying to live a perfect life to get saved... they assume they are already good enough.
def: We're sinners, God is holy & just & good, we can't be declared just in a legal sense WITHOUT Jesus' work.
Informal religion: environmentalism, politics, people meriting righteousness by doing good works.
We need to be freed from SIN and RELIGION! You don't need to be a sinner and you don't need to religious... you need to live your life as a worship sacrifice to Jesus

Jesus is our propitiation
God's wrath is against us. (more talk about wrath than love in the Bible)
"God hates the sin and loves the sinner" was said by Ghandi
Paul talks about himself in 'worse terms' as he ages... he realizes how bad he is. We need propitiation.

Jesus is our expiation
(I don't know what this means.) the question is: What about all the sins against me?
Sin makes us guilty and dirty. Jesus forgives us and cleans us, no matter what has happened to us. Everything needs to be cleansed... and Jesus can purify from all unrighteousness.

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