
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Story about being enslaved to your own appetites

"That reminds me of a story told that in the fourteenth century there were three brothers that were all Dukes in Belgium. One of them was named Renald and he was a very large man and had a nickname of Crassis which was Latin for fat. He and his younger brother Edward got into a dispute. And Edward took over his brother's kingdom. Edward put his brother in prison in the Newkirk Castle. He built a special cell for him - special because it had a door and windows but no locks. The problem was that the door and windows were a little smaller than normal and Renald could not get through them. Every day Edward would send sumptuous foods for his brother to eat. Crassis instead of dieting and losing weight to get out of the prison in fact put on weight. When charged by others about the cruelty of imprisoning his brother Edward would tell them that his brother is not a prisoner, he could leave anytime."

Direct text taken from

Originally heard story from James McDonald sermon.

Research more before actually using

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