
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stuff to Remember from Mark Driscoll's Related Leaders Session 1

Christ Centered Preaching & Teaching - given at Riverside community church in Peoria, January 2008.

MD "There's been a recent 'downplay' of preaching & teaching." My thought- He requires P&T to be 'a church' He quotes Luther & Calvin for this... I agree that we need God's word... but do we need 'preaching' in the current American sense? He's saying we need God's word and the authority it gives... and I totally agree. I think I disagree that we need more sermons.

my thought- I think MD & I agree... just 'How' we effectively preach & teach... an hour long sermon from the Bible with no interaction? or an interactive hands on study of the Bible?

The first preacher we see in the Bible is God! Genesis 1-3 (God is a God who speaks). It reveals Him, creates order, creates good and very good, separates things into categories, comes with authority, and is attacked by Satan.

3 ways to preach:
1) expository (great story about expository going too far 14:00) MD uses air war/ground war line.. Air war = preaching, ground war = small groups
2) textual - Looking at Jesus prayer life or qualifications for elders, (pulling whole text's from several books)
3) topical

MD uses teaching/preaching interchangeably in this whole audio

6 prep questions for 'framing' a sermon-
1) biblical- What does the Scripture say? (Start with Scripture, not what you want to say). Important to choose a good translation that you don't have to 'correct' by referring to the Greek/hebrew regularly.
2) theological- What does it mean? (Don't start with commentaries). Start with prayer, solitude, contemplation, Bible, Holy Spirt, Get a broad-based 'interpretive community' that requires you to use humility and discernment. (different cultures, times, denomination, etc...) We use 'community' instead of affinity (it's not like-people hanging out, it's unlike people coming together).
3) memorable - What's going to make it stick? What are you teaching on that you will remember? a word, an image, concept, doctrine, emotion, a person,
4) apologetically - assuming that people suppress the truth (Romans 1:18), Can you anticipate hearer's objections and then remove them? Just assume that people will resist what you're saying. *MD is using dialogue and getting answers at this point* Ravi Z: 'Post-modernity is a mood more than a belief system' more or less a moody 'kid' with an authority issue. Ideas for doing this: Password protected church site to get feedback/prayer requests. Turn critics into coaches.
5) missional - Why does this matter/ What are we doing? Take everything back to the Gospel. (MD: "cohabitating: you're preaching a false gospel with your pants!")
6) Christological - how is Jesus the hero? Say "Jesus" all the time. ("God" is easier for a person to redefine.) As Christ's bride we should love him and speak his name. "You have not taught Scripture until you've taught about Jesus" He lists 7 ways to tie everything into Jesus.

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