
Thursday, March 5, 2009

a very light study on money that I put together

Money Management – text reminder day before.. bring Bible// Me: Bring Paper, pens, dollars,

Display dilbert cartoon:

Any specific questions?

Discuss: How do you define rich? How much is enough? How much is too much? Can I be both Godly and rich? search on ‘money, wealth, finances’: 800 times in Scripture, Jesus- 25% of the time, more than on Heaven and Hell combined
here are some highlight verses:
Divide Verses among all: Look up… write one phrase of instruction from each passage
Psalm 62:9-10
Proverbs 11:28, 23:4-5, 28:19, 30:7-9
Ecclesiastes 5:10, 12, 19-20
Matthew 6:24, 13:22, 25:14-30*
Luke 12:13-21, 16:10-13*
II Corinthians 9:6-7, 11
I Timothy 6:7-9
Hebrews 13:5

This is what the Bible says about money. So what should that mean for you right now?

Specific questions?
TRACK: who has checking/savings accounts and keeps them balanced!
BUDGET! Anybody do it? Brainstorm areas
Categories: Housing, Auto, Food, Insurance, Entertainment/Recreation, Clothing, Medical, Miscellaneous, Savings, Debt, Giving // Simpler: Giving, Saving, Spending
Tools: envelopes, paper, computer, my budget software,
A word on Credit Cards: Who has one? PAY IT OFF. Don't put it on credit unless you can already pay for it.

Send with $1: faithful in little, faithful ip much verse

Go Deeper:

MH, 2 Cor 8-9 Giving Principles: Sacrificial, Regular, Cheerful, Proportional
Philippians 4 sermon: How are you a good steward? Contentment (‘Tip’ clip around 35:00)

LOTE: 5 intro questions-, having a car puts you in the top 2% of the world!, giving, saving, spending, (for adults: exchange tax returns!, 60% of all divorces are marriage related)

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