
Monday, April 6, 2009

Study of Second Generation Believers

This was a little study I did Summer of 2008.

Name: Cain & Abel
Scripture: Genesis 4:1-26
Previous Generation: Adam & Eve
Thoughts: I believe it is evident that Adam & Eve knew God, but did they pass on how to relate to Him? If they did, how did Cain miss the message? Some kids will choose their own way?

Name: Shem, Ham, Japheth
Scripture: Genesis 6:8-10:32
Previous Generation: Noah
Thoughts: Not much about the spiritual state of sons.

Name: Isaac
Scripture: Genesis 24:62-67, 25: 19-28, 26:1-35
Previous Generation: Abraham & Sarah
Thoughts: Isaac definitely gets it. You can see his relationship with God.

Name: Jacob & Esau
Scripture: Genesis 27-29, 31-33, 35
Previous Generation: Isaac & Rebekah
Thoughts: Through chapter 32 Jacob still says "my father's God". The key is 33:20

Name: 12 Sons of Jacob
Scripture: Genesis 34-39
Previous Generation: Jacob
Thoughts: At this point there are more negative examples of parenting than positive ones in Scripture. Morals did not get passed on to the 12 sons of Israel: murder, adultery, incest, etc. Did being a favorite help Joseph? If so, how can I make all of my kids 'the favorite?'

Name: Joshua?
Previous Generation: Moses

Name: Nation of Israel
Scripture: Judges 2
Previous Generation: Nation of Israel
Thoughts: Lesson from judges: good leaders cannot change bad people.

Name: Eli's sons
Scripture: I Samuel 2 & 4
Previous Generation: Eli
Thoughts: Eli was accused of his son's sins because he let them go on. I have a responsibility to hold my boys to a holy living. (at the very least set it as a standard.)

Name: Samuel's Sons
Scripture: I Samuel 8
Previous Generation: Samuel
Thoughts: Why do so many people in Scripture miss the importance of raising kids well? Seriously! According to this passage one of the reasons the people wanted a king was because Samuel's sons were corrupt!

Name: Ammon & Absalom
Scripture: II Samuel 13-17
Previous Generation: Eli

Name: Adonijah & Solomon
Scripture: I Kings 1-11, I Chronicles 22, II Chronicles 1-10
Previous Generation: David
Thoughts: Solomon starts right in chapter 3. Chapter 8 shows he had it togeether. Chapter 11 is the turning point and a quick demise, although not necessarily related to his upbringing. Solomon is a study of falling away later in life. Sad.

Name: Rehoboam
Scripture: Solomon
Previous Generation: I Kings 12, 14; II Chronicles 10-12
Thoughts: II Chron. 11:17 - 3 years of right living

Name: Jehoshaphat
Scripture: I Kings 22, II Chronicles 17-20
Previous Generation: Asa
Thoughts: Jehoshaphat was very discerning (I Kings 22:7) and he taught people (II Chronicles 17:9)

Name: Jehoram
Scripture: II Kings 8, II Chronicles 21
Previous Generation: Jehoshaphat

Name: Amaziah
Scripture: I Kings 14, II Chronicles 25
Previous Generation: Joash

Name: Azariah & Jotham
Scripture: I Kings 15, II Chronicles 27
Previous Generation: Amaziah & Azariah
Thoughts: What significance does the phrase 'according to all that his father had done' have?

Name: Ahaz
Scripture: II Kings 16, II Chronicles 28
Previous Generation: Jotham
Thoughts: No respect for any religion what so ever. How did he not get ANYTHING passed on from his father?

Name: Manasseh
Scripture: II Kings 21, II Chronicles 33
Previous Generation: Hezekiah
Thoughts: For how evil Manasseh turned out, why do we not put more blame on Hezekiah?

Name: Jehoahaz and Jehoakim
Scripture: II Kings 23, II Chronicles 36
Previous Generation: Josiah
Thoughts: And so ends the kings of Judah. With very few tips about how to pass on faith to your children.

Name: Uzziah
Scripture: II Chronicles 26
Previous Generation: Amaziah

Name: John the Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 1&3, John 1
Previous Generation: Zechariah and Elizabeth
Thoughts: Luke 1:8-17- Was John destined to grow Godly?

Name: Timothy
Scripture: Acts 16, II Timothy 1
Previous Generation: Mother & Grandmother

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